Tuesday 20 July 2010

Perchance to dream?

Why is it that we're all taught that dreams can come true in the Disney sense of the word? How can we then keep our feet on the ground, be down-to-earth and maintain a sense of reality? Now call me obtuse but I find the idea of doing both something of a paradox.

Everyday we are confronted with happily-ever-after situations, the belief instilled into us that only through a perfect family and finding a mate, preferably a soulmate, can we find true happiness and contentment (with little concerted effort I might add). It's everywhere; in films, in the media, the online dating machine portrayed as being the perfect way to meet someone, anyone. We see people with high flying careers who perhaps lack this fundamental factor (a significant other), therefore they surely can't be happy? They must be lacking something. Is it really that only through interaction with others that we can find this happiness? We seem to need others to validate our lives when in fact the only true way to happiness is through finding comfort in our own selves.

Vincit qui se vincit.

She conquers who conquers herself.

I feel some affinity to this. And believe and dream that through hardwork and dedication I will develop the artistry that I so crave and aspire to. But now I am stuck, between wanting to be able to dream; to set my sights as high as I am able to imagine and to will myself to get there with all my might, and, at the same time, feeling that I must be humble and honest enough to say that if I do not succeed I will be happy regardless. If I don't succeed will I have failed in conquering myself?

Can dreams can come true? Well, I am not sure it is not enough only to dream; we must strive to succeed with all that we are given. Through that you can make your dreams become part of your reality. In conquering your self and your own misgivings and self-doubts you can let yourself go to do what you wish. Achieve as you will.

Friday 9 July 2010


What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?

The brevity of this post is due to being away from a computer (again) for the weekend. Food for thought.